Toshi Matsuya

Tabi-no-Suke Tour Guide/ Media Coordinator


Toshi Matsuya was born in Kyoto and raised in Nagoya. He went to the US for college education, where he spent a total of five years. After returning to Japan, he began to get requests to serve as an interpreter. One day, he received a call from one of the major broadcasting companies in the US, and was asked to assist with a media project in Japan. After this project, he began to work with other foreign media companies, helping them to produce documentaries and programs about Japan. Through this he gained more and more experience as a media coordinator.


In 1998 Toshi was stationed at the International Broadcasting Center in Nagano city, Japan, by the CBS Sports Desk, where he helped with coverage of the Nagano Winter Olympics. Since then he has worked as a coordinator, interpreter, researcher and production manager in various media reporting and TV program productions for companies such as ABC, CBS, CNN, Discovery Channel, PBS, BBC, and British Channel 4.


As a coordinator for media projects, he had to travel extensively throughout Japan, an experience that led him to a greater appreciation for his own country and its people, landscapes, customs, food, and cultures. If you are in the media business and plan to come to Japan in order to shoot a TV program, film, or documentary, please drop us a line. Tabi-no-Suke and Toshi can help you in various ways.


If you are planning to come to Japan as a visitor and want to experience something special other than the usual, crowded must-see type tourist spots, let us know what you are interested in we’ll help. Toshi and Tabi-no-Suke staff will work hard to make sure you have a wonderful experience in Japan.


Nationally Licensed Tour Guide, Reg. No.: EN21292